Sunday, May 28, 2006

Reviving my ACS sites

This blog has obviously layed fallow for quite a while. Now seems like a good time, though, to resuscitate it.

In the time since my last post here, I worked for several weeks as a Mountain Mobility van driver, then over the last two months as a cashier in a hotel gift shop and (simultaneously - two part-time jobs) as a cashier at a gas station. I have now left the hotel job to go full-time at the gas station. This job definitely has its pluses and minuses, but the positives are fairly striking, and have not yet run out of gas (so to speak).

I have written two fun articles on the gas station experience, which are both posted on my Authentic Customer Service home page - a much more structured approach to this same content area. It's a little hard to put a cap on either of these articles, because I just keep getting more data for them - really every day. Maybe I will let them sit for now and bring the new fun stuff to this blog.

That other site is

Obviously, what will most charge up this blog is to start getting comments from y'all. I'm revising my VistaPrint business cards that refer to these two sites, and intend to start handing them out again.

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